About Me

I am an intern at Westlake University advised by prof. Tao Lin. I was a research master in EdinburghNLP advised by prof. Shay Cohen and an intern at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology advised by Dr. Jie Fu. My research interest lies in enabling agents to reason and plan by learning from feedback.

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Selected Publications



  • Reviewer: ICLR’25, ICML’24-25
  • TA: NLU+ 23-24, MLP 23-24


I am lucky to meet many enthusiastic, intelligent, and hardworking peers, such as Yijun Yang@Edinburgh, Weipeng Zhang@NEU, Jiahong Xie@SJTU, Xun Zhao@UCAS, Shengda Fan@RUC, Ge Zhang@ByteDance, Hanxu Hu@UZH, and Simon Yu@NEU. I learnt a lot from them. Foremost, I thank Chenxi Chen for her companionship. She is my greatest fortunate.