About Me

I am currently an M.Res. student in EdinburghNLP under the supervision of prof. Shay Cohen. Prior to that, I interned at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology under the supervision of Dr. Jie Fu and Shanghai Jiao Tong University under the supervision of prof. Paul Weng. My current research interest lies in eliciting Reasoning capability of Large Language Models via Reinforcement Learning.

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I will join WestlakeNLP as research assistant under the supervision of prof. Yue Zhang and UIUCNLP as intern under the supervision of prof. Heng Ji. I am looking for PhD position starting from 2025 fall.




  • Reviewer: ICML’24 (6 papers)
  • TA: NLU+ 23-24 (44 hours), MLP 23-24 (62 hours)

Fun Facts


I am lucky to meet many enthusiastic, intelligent, and hardworking peers, such as Yijun Yang@Edinburgh, Weipeng Zhang@NEU, Jiahong Xie@SJTU, Xun Zhao@UCAS, Shengda Fan@Beihang, Ge Zhang@Waterloo, Hanxu Hu@UZH, Simon Yu@NEU, and Yangyi Chen@UIUC. I learnt a lot when working with them.