About Me

I am a researcher in Alibaba Group. I obtained M.Res. in Informatics at the University of Edinburgh under the supervision of prof. Shay Cohen. Prior to that, I interned at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology under the supervision of Dr. Jie Fu. I am building agents by reinforcement learning.

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Selected Publications


Academic Services

  • Reviewer: ICLR’25, ICML’24-25
  • TA: NLU+ 23-24, MLP 23-24


I am lucky to work with many enthusiastic, intelligent, and hardworking peers, such as Yijun Yang@Edinburgh, Weipeng Zhang@Huawei, Jiahong Xie@SJTU, Xun Zhao@UCAS, Shengda Fan@RUC, Ge Zhang@ByteDance, Hanxu Hu@UZH, and Simon Yu@NEU. I learnt a lot from them. Foremost, I thank Chenxi Chen for her companionship. She is my greatest fortunate.